Everybody knows Crash Coogan, seventh-grade football sensation. He's been moving down everything in his path since the time he could walk-and Penn Webb, his dweeby, vegetable-eating neighbor, is his favorite target. After all, Webb's not just a nerd, he's a cheerleader too. Crash and his best buddy, Mike, can't think of anything more hilarious than making Webb's life miserable. But Crash starts to realize that Webb has something he may never gain, no matter how many touchdowns he scores. And when Mike takes a prank too far, maybe even for Crash, the football star has to choose which side he's really on.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Chapters 1-5
1. Why does everyone call him Crash/
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully?
According to the book, everyone calls him Crash because he crashes into things. One of the reasons people call him Crash is because when he was little his Uncle Herm's family came to visit. When they were coming into the house, John was wearing his football helmet and crashed into his cousin Bridget and sent her flying out the front door and into the snow. From then on, everyone called him Crash.
Based on the book, some things Crash does that make him seem like a bully are he is competitive, rude, and judgmental. He is competitive because he makes Penn race him just so he can go to Penn's house. Another reason he seems like a bully is because he is rude. I think he is rude because Crash says really mean words to Penn and takes some of his things. The last reason I think Crash seems like a bully is because he is judgmental. The reason I think this is because Crash judges Penn on his house and on all of his toys.
From the book, things that make Crash seem like a Bully are that he is competitive and cocky. Crash is competitive because he had Penn try to beat him at sports. For example, racing, wrestling, and long jumping. Penn needed to beat Crash at any of those sports, so Crash would eat dinner with Penn's family. Crash is cocky because he said to Penn after they raced, "Its okay, nobody beats me." Crash is also a bully because he keeps making Penn feel dumb because Crash said his name was Mergatroid then Penn went out to shake his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Mergatroid."
Everyone calls John, Crash, because he has always been crashing into things as far as he can remember. People call him Crash because when his cousins came he had a football helmet on when his cousins were walking in the door. Crash then got in a 4-point stance yelled, "Hut, Hut, Hut!" Crash then charged his Cousin, Bridget, out of the house.
According to the book, everybody calls John Crash because one time when he was little he got a football helmet for Christmas. When his Uncle, Aunt and cousin walked in he got a in a 4-point stance and growled "Hut, Hut, Hut!" He ran right into his cousin, Bridget making her fall outside and landing in the snow. And he has always been known for crashing into things.
Based on the book, the kinds of things that make Crash seem like a bully are that he is rude, disrespectful, and plays mean tricks. He is rude because he made fun of new neighbor's name. He is also disrespectful because he calls Penn mean names like Dummkopf. Also he plays mean tricks on Penn like taking his box turtle away from him.
1. According to what I read, everyone calls him Crash because he crashed into his cousin, Bridget. He crashed into his cousin with his new football helmet he got for Christmas. Also, he is always running into things with his helmet. He runs into things because he likes football. 2. According to what I read, the kinds of things that Crash does that makes him seem like a bully is he makes fun of Penn. Crash makes fun of Penn`s clothes. Crash makes fun of his big button on his shirt. He also makes fun of Penn`s family living in a garage.
1. Why everyone calls him Crash is when he got his first football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm and family came over to see their presents, as they were coming through the front door he got down into a four point stance, growled Hut Hut Hut and charged ahead with his brand new helmet and knocked out his cousin Briget clear out the door. He yelled bloody murder and refused to come into the house. He is called Crash because he crashed into his cousin. 2. Crash seems like a bully when he meets his new neighbor and makes fun of his name. He also was mean to his neighbor's turtle because he flipped it over on its shell. Crash lied about his name when he told his neighbor his name was Mergatroid. He was going to have a water gun fight and his neighbor told him he was a Quaker and didn't believe in violence so Crash filled up his water gun and shot him with water anyways.
1. According to chapter 1, everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash. John Patrick Coogan is his teal name. Everyone calls him Crash because when he was younger, he got a football helmet for Christmas. When is Uncle Herm's family came to see his presents, he got in a four-point stance and yelled "Hut, Hut, Hut." He charged toward his cousin Bridget and knocked her into a 1 foot deep pile of snow. So, because of that, everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash.
1. According to chapter one, everybody calls John Patrick Coogan Crash. John Patrick Coogan is his real name. Everybody calls him Crash because of when he was younger. When he was younger he got a football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm and his family were coming to look at his presents. Right as his uncle and his family were at the doorway, Crash got into a four-point stance and yelled “Hut, Hut, Hut.” He charged toward the door and knocked his cousin Bridget over into the pile of one foot deep snow. From now on everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash.
2. Based on what I read, some things Crash does to seem like a bully is First, he meets his neighbor, Penn Webb and makes fun of his name. Second, he pulled Penn’s button off of his shirt and buried it. Third, Crash told Penn that is name was Mergatroid. Fourth, he said it was Humphrey. Fifth, he took the second button off his shirt. Last, he tried to steal Penn’s turtle.
1. I know Crash seems like a weird nickname for a six year old but they have a good reason to call him Crash. Based on what I read, the reason they call him Crash is because when he was little he got his first football helmet for xmas and used it improperly. When his family came over to see what he got, they opened the door and he trucked his cousin all the way back to the snow and she screamed bloody murder. That is why everyone calls him Crash.
2. Based on what I read, there are many reasons Crash seems like a bully. One is because when he first met Penn he took his button and buried it in a hole and threw out the time he has spent with Penn he and is just mean. One time he took his turtle and put him in the middle of the sidewalk and he makes fun of his house and one time he made fun of Penn's name and Crash is just vary mean to Penn. Those are the reasons Crash is a bully.
Adam 1. From what I read I know that everyone called him Crash because when he got his first football helmet he crashed into his cousin. He started in a four point stance and when his cousin walked in the door he crashed into her. On page one Crash says “I’ve always been crashing into people, into things, you name it, with or without a helmet. And that is why he is called Crash.
2. According to the text there are many things that make Crash a bully. One is when he pulls off Webb’s button that his mom made for him. He also is rude that Webb only has two toys, well one toy and mud. Next, he brags at how fast he is and that he has never lost a race. Finally, Crash took Webb’s turtle and put it on its back and that is bad for them because they can die. After all these things you can see that crash is a bully.
Kameron 1. From what I read I know why we call him Crash. It is because when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas he crashed into his cousin. Crash says that the Harold family came out to see his family and he put on his football helmet, got in a 4 point stance, and said HUT, HUT, HUT. When his cousin, Bridget walked in the door Crash plowed into her. On page one, Crash also says that he has been crashing into everything ever since that day.
2. According to the text the things that make Crash seem like a bully are when Crash pulled off Webb's button and when he took Webb’s turtle and put it on his back and on the sidewalk. Crash wanted to have a water gun fight but Webb could not touch a gun because it was against his religion, Crash squirted him in his face anyway. Crash was also a bully to his mom when he covered her flowers with dirt and carved into the tree. Crash should stop doing the things he has been doing if he doesn't want to keep getting grounded.
2. According to the text the kind of things that Crash did to be a bully are he took Webb's buttons. He also took his turtle flipped it over on his back and drives away. He also called Penn Webb's family the boss dorks. Lastly he buried his moms pasies and ripped off her bark. According to the text the kind of things that Crash did to be a bully are he took Webb's buttons. He also took his turtle flipped it over on his back and drives away. He also called Penn Webb's family the boss dorks. Lastly he buried his moms pasies and ripped off her bark.
Troy People call John "Crash," because when he got his first football helmet, he crashed into his cousin and sent her flying out the door,into the snow, onto her butt. Also, helmet or not, he crashed into everything else, and he started to live up to the name. Crash ran into everything you could think of. The "Incident" that occurred explained how he got the name,"Crash," and how he managed to earn it.
Crash is considered a bully because he is always trying to find Penn, just so he can play some more dirty tricks. He also goes to extreme heights, and still considers it “Funny”. Crash also considers Penn a moron, and keeps confusing Penn by changing his own name every time they meet. Since Crash lists Penn a moron, he keeps telling Penn things that aren’t true even though Penn believes Crash, like when Crash told Penn he had a great-GREAT-grandfather that was 115 years old.
1. On page one it says everyone calls him Crash because when he got his first football helmet for christmas he trucked his cousin bridget. He got in a four point stance when when he growled “Hut,Hut,Hut. Crash says he has always been crashing into people,into things you name it with or without a helmet. So Uncle Herm had to take his family home because bridget was screaming bloody murder and would not come in.
1.Everybody calls John, Crash, because when he got a football helmet for Christmas he used it to push his family member into the snow. This incident happened when he was just a little kid. I know this because on page one Crash tells the story of how he got his name. So what he did to earn his name was to crash into his cousin, Bridget and push her into the snow. She had a temper tantrum and they have called him Crash since that day.
2.There are many things Crash does to make him seem like a bully. One of the things is when he sprayed Penn on his forehead with a water gun even when Penn wouldn’t spray him back. Another time he acted like a bully was when he pulled the bark off of the tree at his house. Burying his mother's pansies was also a mean thing to do. Finally when Crash pulled all of the buttons off of Penn’s shirt he proved he was a bully.
Everybody calls John, Crash. From the reading I read that when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas his family came through the front door and was greeted by Crash. Crash got down into the four point stance and knocked his cousin into the snow. On page 1, Crash’s family told him that when he was little he kept crashing into everything. They have called him Crash since that day.
2. The things that Crash did to seem like he was a bully are when Crash ripped Webb’s button off his shirt. Another thing Crash did to seem like a bully was when Crash put Webb’s turtle on his back. An example from the book is when Crash kept making jokes about Webb and when Crash was being rude to his mother by burying her pansies in a hole. For a final example, Crash was being rude to Webb by saying that he didn’t know how to hold a water gun. All of these are examples of Crash being a bully.
Everyone calls John “Crash” because he’s always crashing into people and things. When he was younger, he received a football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm’s family came over to see their presents, and as they were coming through the front door, John got down into a four-point stance, growled, said hut, hut, hut and charged with his brand new helmet. John knocked his cousin Bridget clear back out of the doorway and onto her butt into a foot of snow. This event earned John the nickname of “Crash”.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully?
Based on what I read one of the things that makes Crash seem like a bully is when he plucked Penn’s button off his shirt and dumped it in the hole he was digging and buried it. Crash won’t tell Penn his name. He keeps making up fake names to tell Penn. He also snatched Penn’s turtle and left it in the middle of the sidewalk. Another reason is when Crash keeps squirting Penn with the squirt gun. Crash is fairly mean to Penn. I’m surprised Penn wants to be his friend. I wouldn’t want to be friends with Crash.
1. Everyone calls John crash because he always runs into something. When his uncle Herm's family was coming over on Christmas he ran into his cousin Bridget. She landed into a foot of snow. John crashes into people and things. When he was little he would run into everything.
2. Crash made himself look like a bully by taking Penn's button off of his shirt and he burried it in a hole that he dug. Crash was making up fake names because he would tell Penn his real name. He grabbed Penn's turtle and flipped it onto it's back and left it on the middle of the sidewalk. Penn didn't want to play with the water guns and crash made him.
Tutie- According to the text Crash is called Crash because he ran into his cousin Bridget. When he did this she was screaming bloody murder. He also ran into doors and poles and mostly everything. It is weird to call a kid Crash but he did crash into a lot of things.
2. Crash seems like a bully because he is mean to Webb. One thing he did was take one of Webb’s buttons and buried it. He also took Webb’s turtle, rode his bike down the sidewalk, and set the turtle on his back. Crash was also mean to his mom, he buried his mom’s flowers and carved into the tree. All of these examples show that Crash is being a bully.
Why does everyone call him crash? Kendra- According to the text, everyone calls him Crash because he has been crashing into people and other things with or without a helmet since he was a little boy. When he got his first helmet for Christmas he got into a four-point-stance and ran into his cousin, Bridget, and knocked her onto her butt and onto the very cold snow. Another reason why they call him Crash is because he disrespects people, property, and dishonors them. I believe that Crash is a weird nickname for a kid. (2) What kind of things does Crash do that make him like a bully From the reading I know that some kinds of thing that make Crash a bully is he lies about his name. Crash also make fun of people name. He call everyone names. And last but not least he judges people places.
According to the text the reason why everybody calls John "Crash" is because when he was little on Christmas day he got a new football helmet. Soon like an hour later he took a four point stance as his uncle Herm and his family were coming through the door and John slammed head first into his cousin Bridget butt first into a foot of snow. That's why every body calls him Crash.
From the reading I know that Crash is a bully because he pushed his cousin butt first in to the snow. He is also a bully because he took Peen's favorite pin and buried it in the Coogans front yard.
1. Why does everyone call him Crash According to the text the reason why John is called Crash is because he got a football helmet for Christmas. He got a four-point stance and knocked his cousin Bridget in some snow. Bridget bawled bloody murder and refused to come inside. He also bashed into people with or with out a helmet.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully? According to the text the reasons Crash is a bully is because he bashes into people. Also, he tricked Penn and his family by telling penn names that isn’t really his own name. He’s going to shake his hand but dodged Penn’s hand. And he laughed at Penn when Crash got his button wet.
Everyone always calls him Crash, even his parents, because he crashes into almost everything. It started when he was wearing his brand-new helmet and charged into his cousin Bridget knocking her back into some snow. Bridget threw a hissy fit and would not come inside. As far as Crash remembers he has always been crashing into things with or without a helmet.
Shane- 1. From what I read I know they call him Crash because when he got his first helmet for Christmas he stood in a 4 point stance and ran into his cousin. On page 18 Crash tells Penn’s parents, “I crashed into my cousin with my football helmet and knocked her all the way out into the snow.” According to the text, Crash could not remember all of it but he said “hut hut hut” charged and knocked his cousin over. Ever since that day everybody in his family and friends call him Crash.
Shane- 2. According to the text there are lots of things that made Crash seem like a bully. First he pulled a button off of Penn and buried it. Second Crash put Penn’s turtle on his back and left him on the sidewalk. Last he took his mom’ s flowers and buried them. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
1.From the reading I know that every one calls John, Crash, because when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas he crashed into his cousin. Uncle Herm’s family came over to see Crash and his family’s presents and as they were coming through the door Crash got into a four-point stance, and growled, “Hut! Hut! Hut!” and charged and knocked his cousin Bridget right out the door into the snow. They said she bawled bloody murder and refused to come inside so Uncle Herm finally had to drag his whole family away before they had a chance to take their coats off. Crash says he personally does not remember the whole thing but looking back at what he remembers about himself it’s probably true.
2.I think Crash seems like a bully because of multiple reasons. Some of the reasons are because when Crash first met Penn he called Pennsylvania “ The Poop State.” Crash then plucked Penn’s button that said “Hi, I’m a Flickertail” off his shirt, dumped it in the hole he was digging and covered it over with dirt and stomped and flattened the dirt with his foot. After Crash was so mean to Penn he was digging again but this time he was shoveling dirt onto his mom's flower bed. He dumped dirt onto the purple pansy until they were buried. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
From the text, John crashes a lot. He also runs into things. Crash once crashed into his cousin. She fell into the snow. That's why people call him Crash.
Clint Vaughn 1. Everybody calls John Coogan "Crash". The reason why is because on one of his first Christmases, he got a football helmet. That's not the whole reason, the real reason is what he did with it. What he did, was knock his cousin, Bridget, out the doorway onto her rear end into a foot of snow. From then on, he continued to crash into things, with a helmet on or not. 2. The thing that makes Crash seem like a bully is that he does things just to be mean. This includes flipping over someone's pet turtle. He also carved the bark off his mother's tree. Plus, he buried his mother's pansies. Along with that, he buried Penn's big button. All of these things made others feel angry and sad.
Graysen Johnson 1.They call him crash because he got a football helmet for Christmas. After he received the helmet he got into a football stance and yelled "Hut!Hut!Hut"and charged at his cousin Bridget and knocked her into the snow. He continues to crash into things to this day. With or without a helmet. 2.First he takes another kids button. He also makes fun of the kid for wearing the button. He makes fun of his name Penn. He makes fun of Penn for being a Quaker.
Everybody calls John crash because when he was little he got a football helmet for Christmas and his Uncle Herms family came over to visit. He kneeled down as they were at the door, and when the uncle opened the door John charged at his cousin and crashed into her, and she went flying backwards into the snow. That is why John got the nickname crash. John was playing in the front yard and a boy was strolling down the sidewalk and John stops in front of him. The boy said “good morning I am your new neighbor, my name is Pen, what is your name” and John ignored his question. They started talking about what their parents do and how they got their name. When Pen was about to leave, he went to shake Johns hand, and John used a shovel instead of his hand. Pen thought it was so funny, and John lost his temper. John plucked off Pen’s button on his shirt and put it in the hole that he had dug, and filled with it dirt.
Kemper Card 1.They call him Crash because, one Christmas John got a football helmet. He put it on and ran into his cousin Bridget. Hes also always running into people and things. John doesn't seem to mind the nickname crash.
2.What makes John seem like a bully is that he keeps taking Webb's button on his shirt. He also made Webb do a competition so that he could go to his house for dinner. Webb really wants to be Crashs' friend. Crash also calls Webb dorky and scrawny. Crash is a bully.
1. Everyone calls him Crash because he got his first football helmet. When he got his helmet he got down into a four point stance and growled "hut" three times. Right before Uncle Herm's family came in the door, Crash bolted and knocked Bridget into the snow. Crash said he does not remember the whole thing.
2. In the book the kind of things that make Crash seem like a bully, are when Crash told Penn Webb he was a "hambone". Crash made fun of Penn when Penn said he was a "Quaker". Crash pointed a water gun and sprayed Penn in the face. Crash also took Penn's turtle and rode on his bike. After riding the bike Crash then put the turtle upside down on it's shell.
1. John Coogan has a nickname of crash. According to the book, he got his nickname because when his uncles family came over to see his presents, he got down in a football stance and said hut three times. When they were coming through the front door, he charged ahead with his brand new helmet. He knocked his cousin Bridget out of the front door into a foot of snow. 2. Based on what I read, crash seems like a bully because when Penn Webb came to his house he popped off his button. When crash wanted to draw the water pistols and Penn said that he was a Quaker, Crash shot him between the eyes. Crash also was like a bully when Penn gave him his box turtle and crash took off on his bike with it and flipped the turtle over on the shell and put it on the sidewalk. Crash thought to himself and called Penn and his family hambones.
Broden Pirkle 1. Everybody calls John Crash because when he was little he got his first football helmet for Christmas. When his family came he crashed into his cousin Bridget and knocked her into the snow. Crash always runs into things and people. Another reason he is called Crash is because he asks people to call him Crash
2. Based on what I read Crash seems like a bully because when he met Penn he would not tell him his real name and instead told him his name was Mergatroid. Crash was always mean to Penn even though Penn was trying to be his friend. Crash would always try to trick Penn by doing things such as pretending to shake his hand or telling him different lies. When Penn showed Crash where he lived he made fun of it calling it a garage because it was small. Crash also took his turtle and then left it upside down in the street.
1.) Based on my reading, they call John Coogan Crash because he crashes into things. For instance, when crash got his first football helmet he got in the stance then yelled "hut, hut, hut". Once the open he ran head first toward his cousin Bridget. Crash knocked her out of the front door and onto the snow. 2.) Do to my reading I have found that everyone has Crash labeled as a bully and so do I because of his actions. For example, he threw meatballs at Penn's door, squirted mustard in his shoes and worsted of all beat him up at the dance. Another example, is when he took off with Penn's turtle, then flipped it up side down and placed it on the side walk. Knowing Crashes out of school life I kinda expected that I mean his parents don't really care about him, his sister is a pain and he doesn't have any friends that got to result in some way with all his loneliness and rejection bottled up.
One thing Crash does that makes him a bully is he yanked Penn's button off his shirt and threw it in a hole and buried it. Crash never called him by his name, instead he called him Hambone and Mergatroid. Penn wanted to know his name but Crash made up name's. Crash also kept shooting him in the face even though Penn was not fighting back.
1. The reason why John is called Crash is because at Christmas time he crashed into his cousin. 2. Crash is a bully because he plucked off Penn's button and was squirting him in the face with a water gun and Penn wasn't fighting back.
Addison-1. Why does everyone call him Crash? From what I have read, Crash got his name when he rant into his cousin. I personally think that Crash is a weird name but it fits him. Crash also ran into things after he crashed into his cousin Bridget. Crash personally says that he doesn't remember the whole thing, but knowing Crash it is probably true.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully? According to the text there are lots of things that made Crash seem like a bully. First he pulled a button off of Penn and buried it. Second Crash put Penn’s turtle on his back and left him on the sidewalk. Last he took his mom’ s flowers and buried them. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
1. Everyone calls him Crash because he likes to run people over when playing football. The first time this occurred was when he got his first football helmet at Christmas a while back. He put it on and ran over his cousin. Now he runs people over while playing football.
2. Everyone think he’s a bully because he’s a jokester. He runs people over. He likes to tease his sister. He does this not to be mean he just thinks he’s being funny.
1.Everyone started calling him crash after one Christmas he got a football helmet. But when he got it he was so excited that he went into four-piont stance and ran out the door and and ran into his cousin Bridget.since then everyone calls him crash.
2.Two kinds of things that make Crash seem like a bully. First, Crash said mean things about Pen. For example crash said that Pen would be a flat-nosed baby if he didn't shut up. Last, when Crash joked around, he did very mean things.
1. According to the text the reason everyone calls John Crash is because one Christmas he got a football helmet then he ran in to his cousin Bridget. Once he hit her she went flying into the snow. After that everyone started calling him Crash. Everyone expect Penn calls him Crash.
2. Based on what I read Crash is a bully is because he is mean to Penn. One thing he did was steal Penn's button and put it in a hole. He also said the Penns house was the size of garage. Another thing is the he lied to Penn about his name. The last thing that makes him seem like a bully is that he shot Penn in the face with the water gun ten times.
From the text the reasons why people call John Crash are because once he hit his cousin Bridget. He also crashes into things a lot. From the text Crash sprayed Penn Webb with a water gun. He also shoved down the football player when he was supposed to switch out.
Landon Luyt 1. The team call him Crash because he was a linemen and he loved to crash into the tackling dummies.Plus, he hits them so hard that the other guys look like a joke.The other people look at Crash tackle and they and the coach gave him that nickname.Crash was a Bully in school and the guy who Crash bullied gave him the nickname in the school.
2. Crash really acts like a bully when he treats the team with no respect at all.Crash treats the coach with no kindness and he talks to the coach with no respect.The team even looks at Crash as if he is the tallest and the biggest person on the team.Crash even once threatened one of the teammates.
1. In the text it says that John Crash got his nickname on the Christmas when he got his first football helmet. When his uncle Herm's family came over to see their presents, they opened the door he yelled hut, hut, hut, and charged into his cousin Bridget which made her fly out of the hallway and into the snow also in football he crashes into people
2.On page two Crash started acting like a bully to his new neighbor Penn Webb. He shows this by pulling out a button from Penn's shirt and putting it into a hole that he dug. Crash also said that Penn's house looks like a garage. Then, Crash forces Penn to play with his water guns even though Penn is a Quaker, someone who doesn't believe in war.
1. John Coogan gets his nickname from a memory. He got his first football helmet as a gift on Christmas.When his uncle's family came over he put on the helmet and yelled hut,hut,hut and crashed his cousin Bridget into the snow.
2. John seems like such a bully to Penn because,he took his button and put it into a hole,teases him,and forces him to have a water gun fight.
1. Why everyone calls John 'Crash' is because when he got his first football helmet on Christmas when his uncle's family came over he put on is helmet and crashed into his cousin Bridget and it was no accident.
2. Why John is such a bully is because there is this kid Penn that John took his button and buried it, John and his friend teases him, and squirts mustard into his shoe.
Cory Todd 1. They call him Crash because on Christmas he got a football helmet and he ran into his cousin Bridget. 2. He ripped the button off Penn's shirt.
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ReplyDeleteAdyson Stokes
ReplyDeleteAccording to the book, everyone calls him Crash because he crashes into things. One of the reasons people call him Crash is because when he was little his Uncle Herm's family came to visit. When they were coming into the house, John was wearing his football helmet and crashed into his cousin Bridget and sent her flying out the front door and into the snow. From then on, everyone called him Crash.
I forgot that John was his real name!
DeleteAdyson Stokes
ReplyDeleteBased on the book, some things Crash does that make him seem like a bully are he is competitive, rude, and judgmental. He is competitive because he makes Penn race him just so he can go to Penn's house. Another reason he seems like a bully is because he is rude. I think he is rude because Crash says really mean words to Penn and takes some of his things. The last reason I think Crash seems like a bully is because he is judgmental. The reason I think this is because Crash judges Penn on his house and on all of his toys.
I really like that you pointed out that he was really judgemental.
DeleteI like that you put a thesis statement in your writing
DeleteJames Kelsey
ReplyDeleteFrom the book, things that make Crash seem like a Bully are that he is competitive and cocky. Crash is competitive because he had Penn try to beat him at sports. For example, racing, wrestling, and long jumping. Penn needed to beat Crash at any of those sports, so Crash would eat dinner with Penn's family. Crash is cocky because he said to Penn after they raced, "Its okay, nobody beats me." Crash is also a bully because he keeps making Penn feel dumb because Crash said his name was Mergatroid then Penn went out to shake his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Mergatroid."
I like that you used the text form the book and the quotation marks.
DeleteGood gob James
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DeleteJames Kelsey
ReplyDeleteEveryone calls John, Crash, because he has always been crashing into things as far as he can remember. People call him Crash because when his cousins came he had a football helmet on when his cousins were walking in the door. Crash then got in a 4-point stance yelled, "Hut, Hut, Hut!" Crash then charged his Cousin, Bridget, out of the house.
nice job
DeleteI like how you said what crash said right before he crashed his causon :)
DeleteI think you did a great job. Nice work James!!!!
DeleteKaitlin Goings
ReplyDeleteAccording to the book, everybody calls John Crash because one time when he was little he got a football helmet for Christmas. When his Uncle, Aunt and cousin walked in he got a in a 4-point stance and growled "Hut, Hut, Hut!" He ran right into his cousin, Bridget making her fall outside and landing in the snow. And he has always been known for crashing into things.
I like how you used a quotation from the book.
Deletei like how you used what he said
DeleteKaitlin Goings
ReplyDeleteBased on the book, the kinds of things that make Crash seem like a bully are that he is rude, disrespectful, and plays mean tricks. He is rude because he made fun of new neighbor's name. He is also disrespectful because he calls Penn mean names like Dummkopf. Also he plays mean tricks on Penn like taking his box turtle away from him.
Evan Giovanetti
According to what I read, everyone calls him Crash because he crashed into his cousin, Bridget. He crashed into his cousin with his new football helmet he got for Christmas. Also, he is always running into things with his helmet. He runs into things because he likes football.
According to what I read, the kinds of things that Crash does that makes him seem like a bully is he makes fun of Penn. Crash makes fun of Penn`s clothes. Crash makes fun of his big button on his shirt. He also makes fun of Penn`s family living in a garage.
these are really good examples.
Deletefrom fenn
really good but you don't have 4 sentences
Delete1. Why everyone calls him Crash is when he got his first football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm and family came over to see their presents, as they were coming through the front door he got down into a four point stance, growled Hut Hut Hut and charged ahead with his brand new helmet and knocked out his cousin Briget clear out the door. He yelled bloody murder and refused to come into the house. He is called Crash because he crashed into his cousin.
ReplyDelete2. Crash seems like a bully when he meets his new neighbor and makes fun of his name. He also was mean to his neighbor's turtle because he flipped it over on its shell. Crash lied about his name when he told his neighbor his name was Mergatroid. He was going to have a water gun fight and his neighbor told him he was a Quaker and didn't believe in violence so Crash filled up his water gun and shot him with water anyways.
Halle J.
DeleteGreat Job Matthias
You did great work Matthias.
DeleteJames Kelsey
DeleteI did not think to put that Crash makes fun of Penn's name.
1. According to chapter 1, everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash. John Patrick Coogan is his teal name. Everyone calls him Crash because when he was younger, he got a football helmet for Christmas. When is Uncle Herm's family came to see his presents, he got in a four-point stance and yelled "Hut, Hut, Hut." He charged toward his cousin Bridget and knocked her into a 1 foot deep pile of snow. So, because of that, everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash.
ReplyDeleteHalle Johnson
ReplyDelete1. According to chapter one, everybody calls John Patrick Coogan Crash. John Patrick Coogan is his real name. Everybody calls him Crash because of when he was younger. When he was younger he got a football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm and his family were coming to look at his presents. Right as his uncle and his family were at the doorway, Crash got into a four-point stance and yelled “Hut, Hut, Hut.” He charged toward the door and knocked his cousin Bridget over into the pile of one foot deep snow. From now on everyone calls John Patrick Coogan Crash.
Halle J.
ReplyDelete2. Based on what I read, some things Crash does to seem like a bully is First, he meets his neighbor, Penn Webb and makes fun of his name. Second, he pulled Penn’s button off of his shirt and buried it. Third, Crash told Penn that is name was Mergatroid. Fourth, he said it was Humphrey. Fifth, he took the second button off his shirt. Last, he tried to steal Penn’s turtle.
I like how you listed the things he did that made him seem like a bully!
ReplyDelete1. I know Crash seems like a weird nickname for a six year old but they have a good reason to call him Crash. Based on what I read, the reason they call him Crash is because when he was little he got his first football helmet for xmas and used it improperly. When his family came over to see what he got, they opened the door and he trucked his cousin all the way back to the snow and she screamed bloody murder. That is why everyone calls him Crash.
2. Based on what I read, there are many reasons Crash seems like a bully. One is because when he first met Penn he took his button and buried it in a hole and threw out the time he has spent with Penn he and is just mean. One time he took his turtle and put him in the middle of the sidewalk and he makes fun of his house and one time he made fun of Penn's name and Crash is just vary mean to Penn. Those are the reasons Crash is a bully.
Nice work!
DeleteI like how you put a lot of detail into your sentences. Good job!
ReplyDelete1. From what I read I know that everyone called him Crash because when he got his first football helmet he crashed into his cousin. He started in a four point stance and when his cousin walked in the door he crashed into her. On page one Crash says “I’ve always been crashing into people, into things, you name it, with or without a helmet. And that is why he is called Crash.
2. According to the text there are many things that make Crash a bully. One is when he pulls off Webb’s button that his mom made for him. He also is rude that Webb only has two toys, well one toy and mud. Next, he brags at how fast he is and that he has never lost a race. Finally, Crash took Webb’s turtle and put it on its back and that is bad for them because they can die. After all these things you can see that crash is a bully.
Good job I like how you restaded!!!!!!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI like how you use evidence from the book
ReplyDelete1. From what I read I know why we call him Crash. It is because when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas he crashed into his cousin. Crash says that the Harold family came out to see his family and he put on his football helmet, got in a 4 point stance, and said HUT, HUT, HUT. When his cousin, Bridget walked in the door Crash plowed into her. On page one, Crash also says that he has been crashing into everything ever since that day.
2. According to the text the things that make Crash seem like a bully are when Crash pulled off Webb's button and when he took Webb’s turtle and put it on his back and on the sidewalk. Crash wanted to have a water gun fight but Webb could not touch a gun because it was against his religion, Crash squirted him in his face anyway. Crash was also a bully to his mom when he covered her flowers with dirt and carved into the tree. Crash should stop doing the things he has been doing if he doesn't want to keep getting grounded.
Good job Kameron i like how you restated.
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ReplyDeleteGreat Job.
ReplyDeleteGood job Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete2. According to the text the kind of things that Crash did to be a bully are he took Webb's buttons. He also took his turtle flipped it over on his back and drives away. He also called Penn Webb's family the boss dorks. Lastly he buried his moms pasies and ripped off her bark.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the text the kind of things that Crash did to be a bully are he took Webb's buttons. He also took his turtle flipped it over on his back and drives away. He also called Penn Webb's family the boss dorks. Lastly he buried his moms pasies and ripped off her bark.
I liked how you restated your answers and used evidence based terms.
Capitalize your name!!!!!!!!!!>:(
ReplyDeletePeople call John "Crash," because when he got his first football helmet, he crashed into his cousin and sent her flying out the door,into the snow, onto her butt. Also, helmet or not, he crashed into everything else, and he started to live up to the name. Crash ran into everything you could think of. The "Incident" that occurred explained how he got the name,"Crash," and how he managed to earn it.
Crash is considered a bully because he is always trying to find Penn, just so he can play some more dirty tricks. He also goes to extreme heights, and still considers it “Funny”. Crash also considers Penn a moron, and keeps confusing Penn by changing his own name every time they meet. Since Crash lists Penn a moron, he keeps telling Penn things that aren’t true even though Penn believes Crash, like when Crash told Penn he had a great-GREAT-grandfather that was 115 years old.
those are very good examples and i like how you said he is considered a bully
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ReplyDelete1. On page one it says everyone calls him Crash because when he got his first football helmet for christmas he trucked his cousin bridget. He got in a four point stance when when he growled “Hut,Hut,Hut. Crash says he has always been crashing into people,into things you name it with or without a helmet. So Uncle Herm had to take his family home because bridget was screaming bloody murder and would not come in.
Good job, I like your responses.
ReplyDelete1.Everybody calls John, Crash, because when he got a football helmet for Christmas he used it to push his family member into the snow. This incident happened when he was just a little kid. I know this because on page one Crash tells the story of how he got his name. So what he did to earn his name was to crash into his cousin, Bridget and push her into the snow. She had a temper tantrum and they have called him Crash since that day.
2.There are many things Crash does to make him seem like a bully. One of the things is when he sprayed Penn on his forehead with a water gun even when Penn wouldn’t spray him back. Another time he acted like a bully was when he pulled the bark off of the tree at his house. Burying his mother's pansies was also a mean thing to do. Finally when Crash pulled all of the buttons off of Penn’s shirt he proved he was a bully.
I like all of your answers!
ReplyDeleteEverybody calls John, Crash. From the reading I read that when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas his family came through the front door and was greeted by Crash. Crash got down into the four point stance and knocked his cousin into the snow. On page 1, Crash’s family told him that when he was little he kept crashing into everything. They have called him Crash since that day.
2. The things that Crash did to seem like he was a bully are when Crash ripped Webb’s button off his shirt. Another thing Crash did to seem like a bully was when Crash put Webb’s turtle on his back. An example from the book is when Crash kept making jokes about Webb and when Crash was being rude to his mother by burying her pansies in a hole. For a final example, Crash was being rude to Webb by saying that he didn’t know how to hold a water gun. All of these are examples of Crash being a bully.
If I buried my mom's flowers with dirt, I'd be in a lot of trouble.
DeleteI also agree that Crash was bullying Penn by making jokes about him.
1. Why does everyone call him Crash?
ReplyDeleteEveryone calls John “Crash” because he’s always crashing into people and things. When he was younger, he received a football helmet for Christmas. His Uncle Herm’s family came over to see their presents, and as they were coming through the front door, John got down into a four-point stance, growled, said hut, hut, hut and charged with his brand new helmet. John knocked his cousin Bridget clear back out of the doorway and onto her butt into a foot of snow. This event earned John the nickname of “Crash”.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully?
Based on what I read one of the things that makes Crash seem like a bully is when he plucked Penn’s button off his shirt and dumped it in the hole he was digging and buried it. Crash won’t tell Penn his name. He keeps making up fake names to tell Penn. He also snatched Penn’s turtle and left it in the middle of the sidewalk. Another reason is when Crash keeps squirting Penn with the squirt gun. Crash is fairly mean to Penn. I’m surprised Penn wants to be his friend. I wouldn’t want to be friends with Crash.
I like your details
DeleteLove the details! I like how you are telling the reader what happened and why the Herm family came!
Delete1. Everyone calls John crash because he always runs into something. When his uncle Herm's family was coming over on Christmas he ran into his cousin Bridget. She landed into a foot of snow. John crashes into people and things. When he was little he would run into everything.
ReplyDelete2. Crash made himself look like a bully by taking Penn's button off of his shirt and he burried it in a hole that he dug. Crash was making up fake names because he would tell Penn his real name. He grabbed Penn's turtle and flipped it onto it's back and left it on the middle of the sidewalk. Penn didn't want to play with the water guns and crash made him.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the text Crash is called Crash because he ran into his cousin Bridget. When he did this she was screaming bloody murder. He also ran into doors and poles and mostly everything. It is weird to call a kid Crash but he did crash into a lot of things.
2. Crash seems like a bully because he is mean to Webb. One thing he did was take one of Webb’s buttons and buried it. He also took Webb’s turtle, rode his bike down the sidewalk, and set the turtle on his back. Crash was also mean to his mom, he buried his mom’s flowers and carved into the tree. All of these examples show that Crash is being a bully.
DeleteI don't understand when you say ''According to the text Crash is called Crash'' in question one. But I like the rest of your question
Why does everyone call him crash?
According to the text, everyone calls him Crash because he has been crashing into people and other things with or without a helmet since he was a little boy. When he got his first helmet for Christmas he got into a four-point-stance and ran into his cousin, Bridget, and knocked her onto her butt and onto the very cold snow. Another reason why they call him Crash is because he disrespects people, property, and dishonors them. I believe that Crash is a weird nickname for a kid.
(2) What kind of things does Crash do that make him like a bully
From the reading I know that some kinds of thing that make Crash a bully is he lies about his name. Crash also make fun of people name. He call everyone names. And last but not least he judges people places.
Miles H chapters 1-5
ReplyDeleteAccording to the text the reason why everybody calls John "Crash" is because when he was little on Christmas day he got a new football helmet. Soon like an hour later he took a four point stance as his uncle Herm and his family were coming through the door and John slammed head first into his cousin Bridget butt first into a foot of snow. That's why every body calls him Crash.
From the reading I know that Crash is a bully because he pushed his cousin butt first in to the snow.
He is also a bully because he took Peen's favorite pin and buried it in the Coogans front yard.
1. Why does everyone call him Crash
ReplyDeleteAccording to the text the reason why John is called Crash is because he got a football helmet for Christmas. He got a four-point stance and knocked his cousin Bridget in some snow. Bridget bawled bloody murder and refused to come inside. He also bashed into people with or with out a helmet.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully?
According to the text the reasons Crash is a bully is because he bashes into people. Also, he tricked Penn and his family by telling penn names that isn’t really his own name. He’s going to shake his hand but dodged Penn’s hand. And he laughed at Penn when Crash got his button wet.
I like how you restated
DeleteBrock McCoy
ReplyDeleteEveryone always calls him Crash, even his parents, because he crashes into almost everything. It started when he was wearing his brand-new helmet and charged into his cousin Bridget knocking her back into some snow. Bridget threw a hissy fit and would not come inside. As far as Crash remembers he has always been crashing into things with or without a helmet.
Clint Vaughn
DeleteYou gave a very detailed response to the first question. I am very interested in reading what you think about what makes him seem like a bully.
ReplyDelete1. From what I read I know they call him Crash because when he got his first helmet for Christmas he stood in a 4 point stance and ran into his cousin. On page 18 Crash tells Penn’s parents, “I crashed into my cousin with my football helmet and knocked her all the way out into the snow.” According to the text, Crash could not remember all of it but he said “hut hut hut” charged and knocked his cousin over. Ever since that day everybody in his family and friends call him Crash.
2. According to the text there are lots of things that made Crash seem like a bully. First he pulled a button off of Penn and buried it. Second Crash put Penn’s turtle on his back and left him on the sidewalk. Last he took his mom’ s flowers and buried them. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
ReplyDelete1.From the reading I know that every one calls John, Crash, because when Crash got his first football helmet for Christmas he crashed into his cousin. Uncle Herm’s family came over to see Crash and his family’s presents and as they were coming through the door Crash got into a four-point stance, and growled, “Hut! Hut! Hut!” and charged and knocked his cousin Bridget right out the door into the snow. They said she bawled bloody murder and refused to come inside so Uncle Herm finally had to drag his whole family away before they had a chance to take their coats off. Crash says he personally does not remember the whole thing but looking back at what he remembers about himself it’s probably true.
2.I think Crash seems like a bully because of multiple reasons. Some of the reasons are because when Crash first met Penn he called Pennsylvania “ The Poop State.” Crash then plucked Penn’s button that said “Hi, I’m a Flickertail” off his shirt, dumped it in the hole he was digging and covered it over with dirt and stomped and flattened the dirt with his foot. After Crash was so mean to Penn he was digging again but this time he was shoveling dirt onto his mom's flower bed. He dumped dirt onto the purple pansy until they were buried. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
From the text, John crashes a lot. He also runs into things. Crash once crashed into his cousin. She fell into the snow. That's why people call him Crash.
ReplyDeleteClint Vaughn
ReplyDelete1. Everybody calls John Coogan "Crash". The reason why is because on one of his first Christmases, he got a football helmet. That's not the whole reason, the real reason is what he did with it. What he did, was knock his cousin, Bridget, out the doorway onto her rear end into a foot of snow. From then on, he continued to crash into things, with a helmet on or not.
2. The thing that makes Crash seem like a bully is that he does things just to be mean. This includes flipping over someone's pet turtle. He also carved the bark off his mother's tree. Plus, he buried his mother's pansies. Along with that, he buried Penn's big button. All of these things made others feel angry and sad.
Graysen Johnson
ReplyDelete1.They call him crash because he got a football helmet for Christmas.
After he received the helmet he got into a football stance and yelled "Hut!Hut!Hut"and charged at his cousin Bridget and knocked her into the snow.
He continues to crash into things to this day.
With or without a helmet.
2.First he takes another kids button.
He also makes fun of the kid for wearing the button.
He makes fun of his name Penn.
He makes fun of Penn for being a Quaker.
Everybody calls John crash because when he was little he got a football helmet for Christmas and his Uncle Herms family came over to visit. He kneeled down as they were at the door, and when the uncle opened the door John charged at his cousin and crashed into her, and she went flying backwards into the snow. That is why John got the nickname crash.
ReplyDeleteJohn was playing in the front yard and a boy was strolling down the sidewalk and John stops in front of him. The boy said “good morning I am your new neighbor, my name is Pen, what is your name” and John ignored his question. They started talking about what their parents do and how they got their name. When Pen was about to leave, he went to shake Johns hand, and John used a shovel instead of his hand. Pen thought it was so funny, and John lost his temper. John plucked off Pen’s button on his shirt and put it in the hole that he had dug, and filled with it dirt.
Kemper Card
ReplyDelete1.They call him Crash because, one Christmas John got a football helmet. He put it on and ran into his cousin Bridget. Hes also always running into people and things. John doesn't seem to mind the nickname crash.
2.What makes John seem like a bully is that he keeps taking Webb's button on his shirt. He also made Webb do a competition so that he could go to his house for dinner. Webb really wants to be Crashs' friend. Crash also calls Webb dorky and scrawny. Crash is a bully.
Taylynn Maynez
ReplyDelete1. Everyone calls him Crash because he got his first football helmet. When he got his helmet he got down into a four point stance and growled "hut" three times. Right before Uncle Herm's family came in the door, Crash bolted and knocked Bridget into the snow. Crash said he does not remember the whole thing.
2. In the book the kind of things that make Crash seem like a bully, are when Crash told Penn Webb he was a "hambone". Crash made fun of Penn when Penn said he was a "Quaker". Crash pointed a water gun and sprayed Penn in the face. Crash also took Penn's turtle and rode on his bike. After riding the bike Crash then put the turtle upside down on it's shell.
1. John Coogan has a nickname of crash. According to the book, he got his nickname because when his uncles family came over to see his presents, he got down in a football stance and said hut three times. When they were coming through the front door, he charged ahead with his brand new helmet. He knocked his cousin Bridget out of the front door into a foot of snow.
ReplyDelete2. Based on what I read, crash seems like a bully because when Penn Webb came to his house he popped off his button. When crash wanted to draw the water pistols and Penn said that he was a Quaker, Crash shot him between the eyes. Crash also was like a bully when Penn gave him his box turtle and crash took off on his bike with it and flipped the turtle over on the shell and put it on the sidewalk. Crash thought to himself and called Penn and his family hambones.
Broden Pirkle
ReplyDelete1. Everybody calls John Crash because when he was little he got his first football helmet for Christmas. When his family came he crashed into his cousin Bridget and knocked her into the snow. Crash always runs into things and people. Another reason he is called Crash is because he asks people to call him Crash
2. Based on what I read Crash seems like a bully because when he met Penn he would not tell him his real name and instead told him his name was Mergatroid. Crash was always mean to Penn even though Penn was trying to be his friend. Crash would always try to trick Penn by doing things such as pretending to shake his hand or telling him different lies. When Penn showed Crash where he lived he made fun of it calling it a garage because it was small. Crash also took his turtle and then left it upside down in the street.
1.) Based on my reading, they call John Coogan Crash because he crashes into things. For instance, when crash got his first football helmet he got in the stance then yelled "hut, hut, hut". Once the open he ran head first toward his cousin Bridget. Crash knocked her out of the front door and onto the snow.
ReplyDelete2.) Do to my reading I have found that everyone has Crash labeled as a bully and so do I because of his actions. For example, he threw meatballs at Penn's door, squirted mustard in his shoes and worsted of all beat him up at the dance. Another example, is when he took off with Penn's turtle, then flipped it up side down and placed it on the side walk. Knowing Crashes out of school life I kinda expected that I mean his parents don't really care about him, his sister is a pain and he doesn't have any friends that got to result in some way with all his loneliness and rejection bottled up.
Brock McCoy
ReplyDeleteOne thing Crash does that makes him a bully is he yanked Penn's button off his shirt and threw it in a hole and buried it. Crash never called him by his name, instead he called him Hambone and Mergatroid. Penn wanted to know his name but Crash made up name's. Crash also kept shooting him in the face even though Penn was not fighting back.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. The reason why John is called Crash is because at Christmas time he crashed into his cousin.
ReplyDelete2. Crash is a bully because he plucked off Penn's button and was squirting him in the face with a water gun and Penn wasn't fighting back.
Addison-1. Why does everyone call him Crash?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have read, Crash got his name when he rant into his cousin. I personally think that Crash is a weird name but it fits him. Crash also ran into things after he crashed into his cousin Bridget. Crash personally says that he doesn't remember the whole thing, but knowing Crash it is probably true.
2. What kinds of things does Crash do that make him seem like a bully?
According to the text there are lots of things that made Crash seem like a bully. First he pulled a button off of Penn and buried it. Second Crash put Penn’s turtle on his back and left him on the sidewalk. Last he took his mom’ s flowers and buried them. All of these things make Crash seem like a bully.
1. Everyone calls him Crash because he likes to run people over when playing football. The first time this occurred was when he got his first football helmet at Christmas a while back. He put it on and ran over his cousin. Now he runs people over while playing football.
ReplyDelete2. Everyone think he’s a bully because he’s a jokester. He runs people over. He likes to tease his sister. He does this not to be mean he just thinks he’s being funny.
Kaylin Guthrie
ReplyDelete1.Everyone started calling him crash after one Christmas he got a football helmet. But when he got it he was so excited that he went into four-piont stance and ran out the door and and ran into his cousin
Bridget.since then everyone calls him crash.
2.Two kinds of things that make Crash seem like a bully. First, Crash said mean things about Pen. For example crash said that Pen would be a flat-nosed baby if he didn't shut up. Last, when Crash joked around, he did very mean things.
Garrett Payne
ReplyDelete1. According to the text the reason everyone calls John Crash is because one Christmas he got a football helmet then he ran in to his cousin Bridget. Once he hit her she went flying into the snow. After that everyone started calling him Crash. Everyone expect Penn calls him Crash.
2. Based on what I read Crash is a bully is because he is mean to Penn. One thing he did was steal Penn's button and put it in a hole. He also said the Penns house was the size of garage. Another thing is the he lied to Penn about his name. The last thing that makes him seem like a bully is that he shot Penn in the face with the water gun ten
From the text the reasons why people call John Crash are because once he hit his cousin Bridget. He also crashes into things a lot. From the text Crash sprayed Penn Webb with a water gun. He also shoved down the football player when he was supposed to switch out.
ReplyDeleteLandon Luyt
ReplyDelete1. The team call him Crash because he was a linemen and he loved to crash into the tackling dummies.Plus, he hits them so hard that the other guys look like a joke.The other people look at Crash tackle and they and the coach gave him that nickname.Crash was a Bully in school and the guy who Crash bullied gave him the nickname in the school.
2. Crash really acts like a bully when he treats the team with no respect at all.Crash treats the coach with no kindness and he talks to the coach with no respect.The team even looks at Crash as if he is the tallest and the biggest person on the team.Crash even once threatened one of the teammates.
1. In the text it says that John Crash got his nickname on the Christmas when he got his first football helmet. When his uncle Herm's family came over to see their presents, they opened the door he yelled hut, hut, hut, and charged into his cousin Bridget which made her fly out of the hallway and into the snow also in football he crashes into people
ReplyDelete2.On page two Crash started acting like a bully to his new neighbor Penn Webb. He shows this by pulling out a button from Penn's shirt and putting it into a hole that he dug. Crash also said that Penn's house looks like a garage. Then, Crash forces Penn to play with his water guns even though Penn is a Quaker, someone who doesn't believe in war.
1. John Coogan gets his nickname from a memory. He got his first football helmet as a gift on Christmas.When his uncle's family came over he put on the helmet and yelled hut,hut,hut and crashed his cousin Bridget into the snow.
ReplyDelete2. John seems like such a bully to Penn because,he took his button and put it into a hole,teases him,and forces him to have a water gun fight.
1. Why everyone calls John 'Crash' is because when he got his first football helmet on Christmas when his uncle's
ReplyDeletefamily came over he put on is helmet and crashed into his cousin Bridget and it was no accident.
2. Why John is such a bully is because there is this kid Penn that John took his button and buried it, John and his friend teases him, and squirts mustard into his shoe.
Cory Todd
ReplyDelete1. They call him Crash because on Christmas he got a football helmet and he ran into his cousin Bridget.
2. He ripped the button off Penn's shirt.